Monday, October 02, 2006

What's New...

I spent the last few days scrambling to get my American Title submissions in to Romantic Times magazine. I didn’t know they wanted everything at once. I guess it surprised most of the other finalists, as well, so we all spent a few days silently panicking and editing and getting all our categories together for the contest. The categories are (1) First Line of the book, (2) Description of Hero and Heroine, (3) Story Summary, (4) Dialogue Scene, and (5) Romantic/Love Scene. They also wanted a bio and a picture.

Once I sent everything off to the senior editor, I had a whole different reason to panic. Did I choose the right dialogue scene? Is my humorous bio just stupid? It’s too late now, so I’m trying to let it go. Not so easy, but I’m trying. Deep breaths.....

So what have I been doing to distract myself? Well...

I've been reading and surfing the net and posting messages to a few of my e-mail loops.

I attended Christopher Vogler’s fabulous all-day workshop on The Writer’s Journey.

I’m starting to write a new book, which I blogged about on Deadline Diaries today.

I re-read Gina Black’s informative post about her experiences with the American Title contest last year. This didn’t exactly calm my nerves and distract me but I needed to revisit Gina's valuable advice and information.

I found out that Squawk Radio is moving to their own website, so I’ve got to remember to stop by there today. Love those chicks!

I’m reading Jill Shalvis’s Out Of This World, which I’m loving. Jill’s books are always so fun and sexy.

I listened to Janice Lynn’s RWA conference workshop on promotion. I also re-played Nora’s speech to the RWA PRO group, just for fun and inspiration.

What have you been up to? How do you keep from going crazy when you’re waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting...........


Blogger Jennifer Lyon said...

Oh Kate, I don't know what to tell you! I always get stressed and worried. I'm slowly teaching myself to focus on the project at home, but I appear to be a lousy student!

I suggest Starbucks, chocolate and friends.

I'm so excited for you Kate! Try to rememeber that this isn't life or death, and should be at least a little bit fun. You have the talent and a whole lot of friends who believe in you!

8:08 AM  
Blogger Kate Carlisle said...

Jen, you're such a doll! Even if you think you're a witch. *g*

And thanks for reminding me it's supposed to be fun. I forget sometimes, when I'm alone in my little room without any friends or chocolate or Starbucks. Ooh, what a sad little picture that is! LOL

11:06 AM  

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