Saturday, October 14, 2006

Quickie Drive-By Hello and ATIII Update (of course!!)

I spent the day at the Orange County RWA meeting. (See the orange? Get it? Orange County? Sometimes my brilliance frightens me.) And no, I didn't win the iPod, which is so unfair!! Okay, so I have no idea how an iPod works, having never owned one before, but must that be held against me?? Sigh. Maybe someone will buy me one for Christmas.

By the way, congratulations to the person who won. Whoever she is. I wouldn't know...since she left the meeting early!!! Hmph!! Not that I'm bitter...

Okay, enough grumbling! LOL. The meeting was wonderful, as usual. I blogged about it yesterday.

Meanwhile, here at the blog, I wanted to let everyone know that I fixed the settings on my comments section so anyone can post a comment now! For some reason, it was restricted. That's so wrong in so many ways. So leave me a comment!! Say hello! Tell me about your iPod. *Sniffle* Whatever.

And here's Big News! Tomorrow at Title Wave, I'm being interviewed!! Stop by and say hello! Leave me a comment there, please-oh-please! The wonderful Title Wave bloggers have been posting interviews of all the ATIII finalists and mine is the last one before Monday when the Voting begins. (P.S. Stop by Title Wave today and see the hilariously funny Ron/Raz's interview!!)

And don't forget to check my Good Vibrations interview on The Writer's Vibe! They posted it yesterday and as with everything else around here lately, it's all about me! All Kate all the time!

Scary, isn't it?



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