I Told You It Was Cold!!
That's right, it SNOWED in MALIBU yesterday!!!!
Everyone mocks me when I tell them I'm shivering at my desk, wrapped in blankets with my space heater blasting. All right, yes, I live in Southern California, but we get cold here, people!!!
Okay, maybe it's not a bone-rattling freezing ice storm like my friend Christine Rimmer is experiencing in Oklahoma (stay warm, Chris!!) but it's pretty darn cold for us fragile California wimps. *g*
As long as it's so chilly, I hope everyone's staying warm inside, comfy and cozy on the couch, reading some good books. Maureen Child mentioned some of the books she's been reading, so I thought I'd mention a few of my latest choices.
I'm currently reading JD Robb's latest, "Born in Death" and can't wait for the new one next month. And I just finished Nancy Martin's first book in her Blackbird Sisters series, "How To Murder A Millionaire." Loved it! I stopped by the bookstore last night to buy the rest of the series. What's up next? Jennifer Apodaca's Sex on The Beach Book Club. Can't wait to read that one!
And just in case you didn't hear me the first time, it SNOWED in MALIBU yesterday!! Here's video proof!
Everyone mocks me when I tell them I'm shivering at my desk, wrapped in blankets with my space heater blasting. All right, yes, I live in Southern California, but we get cold here, people!!!
Okay, maybe it's not a bone-rattling freezing ice storm like my friend Christine Rimmer is experiencing in Oklahoma (stay warm, Chris!!) but it's pretty darn cold for us fragile California wimps. *g*
As long as it's so chilly, I hope everyone's staying warm inside, comfy and cozy on the couch, reading some good books. Maureen Child mentioned some of the books she's been reading, so I thought I'd mention a few of my latest choices.
I'm currently reading JD Robb's latest, "Born in Death" and can't wait for the new one next month. And I just finished Nancy Martin's first book in her Blackbird Sisters series, "How To Murder A Millionaire." Loved it! I stopped by the bookstore last night to buy the rest of the series. What's up next? Jennifer Apodaca's Sex on The Beach Book Club. Can't wait to read that one!
And just in case you didn't hear me the first time, it SNOWED in MALIBU yesterday!! Here's video proof!
Kate - If it will make you feel any better, we got 4 inches on Sunday and Mike was out there shoveling again this morning - only an inch or so. Thank goodness, I don't shovel anymore. My daughter says the best way to warm up in the snow is to make snow angels. :)
Oh Cady, I'm shivering on your behalf!
But I secretly wish we'd had enough snow to make snow angels. We were lucky to get a few snowballs made before it started melting!
Snow in Malibu?? Is this a sign of something? Or did some Hollywood type order snow for a kiddie birthday party?? Inquiring minds......
I'm so in reading mode. And thanks Cady for the tip on Nora having the next excerpt up on her site! And Kate--finish Born in so we can dish!
I have relatives that live in the "fair weather" states--it is amusing to hear them talk about the weather! When you dont' really have a season change--snow is a real SHOCK!
Hope you got out to make a snow angel or two!
Have a great day!
Hi Kim! Yes, we're such weather wimps out here. *g*
When I think of my family and friends in Buffalo and Toronto and Chicago blithely going through their freezing winters year after year...well, I know they're laughing out loud at the thought of snow in Malibu!
Kate, well, snow in Malibu is really strange...
We're getting 4-8 inches her in OK this weekend!
I'm so with you! And when it's cold here, it feels even colder b/c we're not used to it.
My Chris hit black ice this morning!
East Coasters think we can't drive in rain? Try ice!
And I can't layer clothes to save my life. Layering? As in a bikini *and* a one-piece *and* a wrap? ;)
Good luck staying warm!
:) d
Susan, you poor trapped thing!! I'm so glad to hear you finally made it out to Starbucks. (And yeah, we really are wimps.*g*)
And Chris, OMG, bundle up! I'll be thinking of you this weekend in all that snow!!
Hi Dana! I'm with you on the layering issue.*g* My dh--who's from Buffalo--is always giving me a hard time about bundling up. He thinks I should have a winter coat. Where in the world does he think I'm gonna wear a winter coat??
And yikes, driving on ice? Scary!
Hi Kate,
We have two corporate offices..one in sunny California and the other in Buffalo! My boss was in BF the week that it was in the 80's here and we laughed at her and gave our fellow associates in BF a very bad time..because it was really cold there that week!
My boss came back to...this weather! We are wimps..I was whinning like a baby...needless to say my friends in Buffalo office very quickly called me first thing Monday morning to give ME our weather report.
Well...at least my boss brought me back a present that I requested from Buffalo.
A jar of TED'S hotdog sauce!
None better anywhere else in the US!!!
Ask your husband if he has ever been to TED's In Buffalo.
Stay warm!
LOL, Sandy - Don't get my husband started about Ted's!! He loves it, along with a bunch of other places we have to visit and foods we have to eat whenever we're there, which is two or three times a year. I love it!
BFLO people definitely know how to eat well. I think it's because they need that extra layer to keep warm, if you know what I mean. ;-)
I love TED'S too!! It is hot and I just practically eat the entire jar myself! I let Dana's husband have some this weekend..he said it was spicy! And..... yes it is!!!
The VP from TED's sent me a TED's apron several months ago if I promised to take pictures of my group at work. WE DID. EAST coast and WEST coast...what great fun.
I am with your hubby none better!
My boss also brings me back honeycomb candy from Buffalo.
Have a great week.
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