Tuesday, March 20, 2007

What I'm Reading

I just met a deadline, so now I get a reward, right? Okay, the fact that my deadlines are self-imposed is no reason not to reward myself, don't you think? Yeah, that's what I thought, too!

So my reward is...books! And time to read them. (What, you thought I'd go buy a car or something? Did you get the "self-imposed" part of that deadline?) Maybe on my next deadline I'll get some botox or something, but right now, I'll stick to reading! ;-)

Here's what's on my list...

Just finished The Steps by Rachel Cohn. This is a YA (middle-grade) novel about Annabel, a worldly NYC 12-year-old who goes to Australia to visit her dad and her new step-siblings. It's short (135 pages) but every page is filled with funny and sweet moments. I fell for Annabel's entire extended family and I'm looking forward to visiting them again in the sequel, Two Steps Forward.

Now I'm reading A Crazy Little Thing Called Death, by Nancy Martin. I simply adore the Blackbird Sisters! And Michael is awesome. I'm seriously hooked on him, I don't care what his family does! I confess I'm very sad to have finally read them all because now I'll have to wait months for the next book to come out! No pressure, Nancy! *g*

Next up for me is JR Ward's fourth book in the Black Dagger series, Lover Revealed. This is Butch's story and I never thought I'd say it but yes, I've become a huge fan of the Brotherhood!!

So...what have you been reading lately? And what's waiting in the wings on your TBR pile?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Adventures of Suzette

It's Thursday, which means my girlfriend Suzette is lining up her adventures for the weekend. Her boyfriend works long hours so she's always looking for something new and fun to do.

An "adventure" for Suzette can be almost anything, from a La Perla underwear party (with swag), to a mani-pedi (with cocktails), to a jog in Palisades Park (where she once bumped into Kyra and Kevin), to attending the latest Donald Trump wealth seminar for the free box lunch.

By the way, that seminar was informative and the box lunch was a real deal.

Don't get me wrong, Suzette doesn't mind paying an entrance fee, but there should be some fun swag or a cocktail or two--or a box lunch--as a reward. My girl has standards, after all!

Here's what's on her list for this weekend ... so far ...

The Sassy Spring Sale at the Fairmont Miramar in Santa Monica. Here's the deal: you pay a few bucks and you get in earlier than the crowds, plus you get free makeup and goodies from Frederick's of Hollywood. Suzette loves Frederick's of Hollywood! Plus there are all sorts of deep discounts on jeans, jewelry, clothing, makeup, plus - hello, it's the Fairmont Miramar, which is a fabulous hotel for sipping cocktails by the Koi Pond!

If the discounts aren't deep enough or the Koi Pond has been drained and Suzette feels stressed or depressed, she's thinking she might pop down the street for a little Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. It's supposed to be better than Ambien for a good night's sleep. Check it out! And have a good weekend!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Come Visit Orange County!

Hi, gang! I've got a short blog entry up on my Orange County RWA chapter's blog today. Come visit me!


Friday, March 09, 2007

Finally Friday

Happy happy! The weekend's finally here! Well, almost. Just need to get through today ...

Tonight we'll have a little wine, maybe get some take-out, relax ...
Saturday I'll be at my local RWA meeting, and check this out -- Allison Brennan and Stephanie Laurens are the speakers this month. Pretty awesome lineup, right? I love my RWA chapter.

Before the meeting, I'll meet my buddy Maureen Child at Starbucks and we'll dish--er, no, we'll, uh, plot my next book. Yeah, we'll plot books and, uh, discuss publishing industry trends. Yeah, that's it. Snort.

When I get home, I'll try to get in a little house cleaning ("little" being the key word), then get ready for dinner at my brother and SIL's place. Can't wait to see them! (Hi Pammy!)

Then Sunday ... I wish I could say I'd be sitting on the deck, sleeping and reading, but that won't happen. The DH is painting the bedroom and I'll probably be cleaning out some closet somewhere. We're doing the home improvement thing and I know it'll be great once we're done, but until then, we're in heavy work mode.

But we'd much rather be sitting on the deck, sleeping and reading ... the DH smoking a cigar ... maybe sipping on an afternoon cocktail ...

Soon. Very soon.

So what's up for your weekend?


Monday, March 05, 2007

American Title III - The End...Almost!

Hello again! Yes, I've been a bad blogger but I'm back with some news ...

Voting for the American Title Contest is officially over this week -- and we have a winner!


Way to go!! Woo hoo!!

Oh, were you expecting me to tell you who it is? Sorry, but the winner won't be revealed until late April at the Romantic Times Convention in Houston.

Hey, it's not my rule. They won't let us tell anyone!!

Anyway, it's been a wild and crazy roller coaster ride for me and my friends and family. I've said it before but I really appreciate all the support I've received from all of you.

I've also been lucky to meet and become friends with my fellow ATIII finalists, nine talented writers whose names are all listed on my side bar. Do check out their websites and blogs and get to know their names. I've got all my fingers crossed that we will all go forth and publish and prosper in this business. Yeah!
