Monday, March 05, 2007

American Title III - The End...Almost!

Hello again! Yes, I've been a bad blogger but I'm back with some news ...

Voting for the American Title Contest is officially over this week -- and we have a winner!


Way to go!! Woo hoo!!

Oh, were you expecting me to tell you who it is? Sorry, but the winner won't be revealed until late April at the Romantic Times Convention in Houston.

Hey, it's not my rule. They won't let us tell anyone!!

Anyway, it's been a wild and crazy roller coaster ride for me and my friends and family. I've said it before but I really appreciate all the support I've received from all of you.

I've also been lucky to meet and become friends with my fellow ATIII finalists, nine talented writers whose names are all listed on my side bar. Do check out their websites and blogs and get to know their names. I've got all my fingers crossed that we will all go forth and publish and prosper in this business. Yeah!



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