ATIII - Round One, Week Two
Five more days to vote for "Crotchless panties?"
You know you want to!
Click on, type THE KAMA SUTRA CHRONICLES in the Subject line and hit SEND! It's so simple. Do it now! You'll feel better.
What a week.
I'm only slightly brain-dead from a week of frantic emailing and begging for votes, then traveling across country and dealing with stupid jet lag. Wide awake at 3:00 a.m., realizing I didn't contact my cousin Peter in Connecticut or my alleged stepsister Tricia who's got a darling new baby and is probably on the West Coast now that I'm on the East, right? Hi Tricia!! Vote for me!!! Yo, Peter, dude, vote!
So what's new? I'm taking the online PR class given by the brilliant Louise Knott Ahern (if you have an opportunity, do not hesitate to take her class--she is fantastic!!) and I haven't posted my homework but I'm reading all the posts and have already learned a massive amount.
I'm writing every day, a YA paranormal my agent is excited about. It makes me very happy to simply focus on the writing right now.
I'm visiting my father-in-law Frank, who's 95 and wonderful. He taught music for years in the Buffalo school district and this week, he's giving my husband piano lessons.
Let me know -- What's up with you?
Kate, I'm amazed at all that you do, and you look so good doing it! I can't wait for the results on ATIII
Why aren't you posting your homework on Louise's class? I'm posting it! I feel stupid but I need this class and all the help Louise can give me.
Oh, Thank God! I'm not the only one who isn't posting my homework in Louise's class!
Wonderful class, wonderful material, bad Terri. (bad Kate, bad Maureen...)
Can I come here and hang out with all the others who haven't posted their homework on Louise's class? Due to a glitch, I wasn't subed into the class until Thursday, and I haven't been able to catch up on all the reading. (Does printing out all the lessons and work sheets count for anything??)
Kate, you are an inspiration to me. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you in ATIII. (Yes, of course I voted for you!)
Hey Jen! Hi Terri!! Hi Gillian!
LOL - Check it out! You guys, we're the bad girls in class! Cool!
Hope Weezie doesn't find out and kick our butts! Maureen will protect us, won't you, M??
I swear I'm gonna post stuff next week when I'm home. And Jen, your stuff isn't stupid!! You're gonna be a PR queen and we're all gonna be sucking up to you in a big way....
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